Jhansi Hotel has been claimed by several media journalist and magazines as the BEST hotel in the entire Jhansi.
Want to test out the claim? Stay with us for a weekend and we will give you the best luxury hospitality possible!
Experience our multi-cuisine restaurants and travel across the whole Jhansi with our day tours!
Explore the various rooms our hotel offers.
Our rooms are equipped with state of the art facilities and a luxury décor, designed by the best architects of Delhi, Conarch Architects. Our staff is well trained to handle all your problems with ease.
Our restaurants are considered the best fine dine restaurants in Jhansi by the connoisseurs. Do check out our restaurants also !
So, just come, relax and feel like a king in the core of Jhansi! Experience our rich Indian delicacies prepared by one of the best chefs in town!
Jhansi Hotel
Opposite Post Office, Sadar Bazar,
Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
Tel: 0510-2473000, 0360
Mob: +91 7703007570, 71